Signed in as:

Signed in as:
Current Canadian labour legislation prevents nearly a third of working Canadians from accessing the civil court system should they encounter harassment, discrimination or other unfair treatment in the workplace.
While non-unionized Canadians have the right to seek legal resolution in civil court should they encounter abuses of this kind at work, this same right is not available to unionized workers - their cases are wholly controlled by organizations that are susceptible to conflicts of interest (1), and lack of accountability and transparency (2).
1 Widiss, D. (2012). Divergent Interests: Union Representation of Individual Employment Discrimination Claims. Indiana Law Journal, 87(1), Article 22
2 Canadian labour unions’ grievance statistics and records are not publicly available
Unionized workers in Canada who experience bullying, discrimination, or other unfair treatment in the workplace lost their right to seek resolution through our civil court system in 1995 (1). Union officials and employers are the sole “owners” of a worker’s grievance (2); the unionized worker has no legal right to be involved in the management of their own case. For affected union members this can feel like being further victimized.
Should union officials misrepresent the case, the only option available to the worker member is to file a Duty of Fair Representation (DFR) complaint with their provincial Labour Relations Board (3).
1 Weber v. Ontario Hydro [1995] SCC
2 Canadian Merchant Service Guild v. Gagnon et al. [1984] SCC
3 N.S. Trade Union Act, 2005
Mitchnick, M. as cited in Levitt, 2016, Finiancial Post (in National Post)
N.S Freedom of Information request
N.S. HRC Annual Reports, and (
We are asking for a public inquiry into:
Media interest is a necessary component of expedient legislative action and change. Shannon is hopeful that her chosen form of protest will encourage media interest for that purpose.
*Shannon has recently voluntarily undergone a full mental health assessment to provide the public assurance of her mental wellness.
Halifax Regional Municipality Bylaw P-600 requires the removal of protest shelters from public property between the hours of 9pm and 5am.
During the hours she's not permitted on public property, Shannon will be stationed in our 'Small Fry Big Mission' sleeper van. Look for our logo!
Donations will be used to help fund The Workplace Harassment Project.